Thursday, April 8, 2010

Have an appt.

I have an appt with the oncologist next Friday. The 16th. because he has ordered more tests. I'm having a PET scan on Monday to see if the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes. Dang it. The MRI showed something. The ultra sound did not. I should clarify that doesn't mean it did spread, it means they couldn't see anything obvious. Could still be cancer in there and it just hasn't done anything visable. Was prepared to have to wait until surgery and the removal of some lymph node for biopsy to know for sure but, I guess we get a heads up. Oh waiting for those results is going to be fun. Also he wants more tests ran on my tumor tissue. At least I don't have to do anything for that. Ok I had to sign a release form so they could send it off. Genetic testing and some other "stuff" is what I was told. Didn't ask. All this should be done by next Friday which is why she gave me that appt. I'm good with it. I think the oncologist is getting his ducks in a row before he sees me. This I feel is a good thing. Going to go read on PET scans and tissue genetics and what else he might be testing for. Will report back.

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