Saw Brenda this morning at Hoag Hospital. She is with Dr. Guerra my surgeon and gets you all set up for surgery. So she goes over pre op stuff. No eating after mid night, wear lose clothing that buttons or zips up the front that kind of stuff. She time lined out the day giving estimation on how long stuff would take. She is saying surgery should be about 1 1/2 hours. She went over post op. I'll be bound up but not with the stinky binding stuff they used when I had the needle biopsies. Thank goodness. Got a little pillow to put under my arm pit. Apparently this helps a lot with the area where they take out the lymph node. Makes sense. Arm pit, arm resting there, put pillow to protect it. Seems most likely I will not have a drain. Usually that only happens if you have an axiallary lymph node dissection where they remove the whole section of nodes. I'm only having 1 to 5 removed. After that we were off for lab work. I needed an EKG only since already had a chest X-Ray back in April during my chemo round 1 that landed me in the hospital. They took one then. But, Dr. Barth wanted my iron checked during this week so I had those orders with me and they said they could do it there. Great one less trip. So after a ton of paper work that several different people shuffled through off to the lab I go. I give the woman there all the lab orders and take a seat. Shortly I get called back to have the blood draw. Guy looks over my veins and doesn't look happy. He goes and gets a hot pack to try and get something to pop up. He puts the pack on my fore arm. I say is that where your going to try? He says yes but its going to be a hard stick. I say oh no, this is where you are going to tie it off and put the hot pack right there on that vein and it will pop. He looks at me so doubtful and I say yea I know it looks bad but, that's old faithful. He does what I say and after about a minute he removes the hot pack and is surprised. All went well. Then I go back to the waiting area to wait to get called for the EKG. This is where the fiasco starts. Two people get called to go to EKG that I know I was before. My dad says he I know we were here before them. And I say well dad we are not exactly standing in line at the bank so I don't know how they have this set up. So we wait and then this tech comes out from where they are doing the blood draws she looks at me and says are you waiting for a blood draw? No I already had that, waiting for EKG. She says let me check and I follow her to the check in desk. Where they can't find my orders. Now there are several people behind the desk shuffling frantically through a pile of paper. They do find it and tell me I'm next. Nope. They called someone else. So I go ask nicely just to make sure I didn't get lost again. This woman just came out behind the desk and gave me my orders and took me to where the EKGs were being done. The tech had grabbed the wrong set of orders. She was suppose to take mine next but, for some reason didn't.
Who knows. Maybe we were suppose to be there an extra hour.
Anyway they are also doing a pregnancy test. Whew that will sure be a load off my mind!
And Brenda told me "on the day of surgery do not wear any make up, no deorderant, no lotions, no nothing." I said "so I need to come naked."
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