Monday, August 2, 2010

Life's detours

This whole ordeal with breast cancer was a gigantic detour in my life. And like all detours it was an inconvenient, out of my way, not where I wanted to go, why the hell is it taking me this way, what? we could have gone over there, why does this have to be happening now? pain in the ass (and other body parts).

Radiation is yet to come and I'm not done yet but, at the moment I have a pretty shitty attitude because I'm bored. Yes, I can honestly say that at this moment I'm bored with breast cancer. I don't want to read any else about it, I don't want to see a pink ribbon or anything else breast cancer related for that matter. No I don't want to walk in a for the cause walk. I just want my life back.

I think this is temporary and one of those "7 parts of going through a shitty part of your life" that you read about. You know, denial, acceptance, etc. I think this one is called pissed.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmmm.... can we come up with a temporary distraction? A party? A girl's night out? I know, it's not going to fix the over all situation but maybe you can take your mind off of it for a bit.
