Thursday, November 4, 2010

Doctor, Doctor and Doctor?

Saw my surgeon today. She said I looked great. I hate to think what bad looks like. I have a fried boob. It's not bad but, great is not a word I would use to describe it. She took some more nudie pictures once again assuring me that my face wouldn't be in them. I told her, you can take as many pictures of my face as you want. I'm fine with that really. She chuckled. But really the whole idea of there being pictures of just my boobs existing in the world, creepy. All I can envision is my surgeon having a portfolio of headless boob photos. She scheduled me for another mammogram April 5th 2011! It will be a year then since my last one which was at the time of my diagnosis. And she will see me that day as well.

I see Dr. Barth tomorrow. Oncologist. Will let him know of the scheduled mammogram and my decision on lupron. Will see what he has to say about the shingles and see what the man has to throw at me now.

I'm also going to go see my internist in the morning before Dr. Barth. I need to check in with her. I have started back on supplements. Vitamins. And she is really into that stuff so I want her input. Plus I want some more xanax. She would refill it but I feel better seeing her first.

So that makes three doctors in two days.

Whew and today we went to Disneyland this morning, left went to the surgeons and then after went back up to pick up Chris. Made seeing the surgeon more of a blimp in the day than the main event.

It was good.

1 comment:

  1. That is a lot of running around! Glad, so glad your appointment with the surgeon was a mere blip in the course of your day!!!
