Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Antibiotics in hand

But, not in body. I'm holding off. The sinus infection is going in the right direction. I really do feel it is getting better. I have the antibiotics in hand now and at the first sign of it getting worse I'll pop them. But, for now, I'm holding off.

I'm feel like I'm in a bit of a catch 22 with them. Because yes, I probably need them but, they are not going to only kill off the bad stuff but, they will kill off good stuff too and I don't have much of that.

Plus I just hate taking antibiotics. I hate the way they make me feel and I don't need to add to the crappy pile right now. So I'm doing my GSE, oil of oregano and vitamin C. and nettie pot. AND staying down.

I'm giving my body a chance.

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