Friday, January 7, 2011

Fear. A Necessary Evil.

Fear. I have blogged about fear in regards to my demise. I have stated that all though I visit it, I don't live there in regards to prognosis and death. But, lately due to various conversations, I've been toying with this thing fear. Toying to try to put some sort of perspective on it.

Now the following is just my totally uneducated opinion and since this is MY blog I have that right.

Fear developed through evolution or was part of our make up when created or whatever your belief maybe, as a self preservation necessity. What would happen if I did this? Wait, could be something bad. Our brains are wired with some sort of fear factor. Although there are those of us missing this factor. You either know these people or have seen them on TV. You know, those people that make the rest of us say things like "holy shit what are they thinking, crazy bastard!" Yeah those people. I don't know how they missed the fear factor. Or maybe they are in serious denial. Maybe they have flipped the big bird to fear and just don't care. Or maybe they are the fear junky adrenaline rush person. I'm not entirely sure, for there are things that you should just be afraid of because it will cause pain and harm. Seems reasonable to avoid things that are not going to be fun and have no payoff other than instant death if you're lucky, at all costs.

Then there are the people just frozen. So entrenched in fear that they just can't do anything and are afraid of everything. They are hard wired for some reason.

The rest of us. The vast majority of us are somewhere in the middle.

And while I understand the self preservation necessity of fear, here is where fear becomes evil. When it prevents us from pursuing our passions. When it sucks the joy out of an experience. When it grabs our full attention and we neglect things of much importance.

But BUT the really evil heart of fear is when it raises it's ugly head due to each other.

When we hold back doing something because of fear of what other people will think. Because it is easy to SAY I don't care what other people think but, the truth is yes you do.

We do care.

We care because everyone wants:


And we will avoid things in the name of fear if we think these above listed wants will be jeopardized.

So I love, accept, approve, embrace, acknowledge, validate, value and treasure you.

Visit fear because it is unreasonable to pretend it doesn't exists but, don't live there.

Pursue your passions.

AND toot your own horn Loud!

1 comment:

  1. You make some good points there, Pam! Working on it, I am.
