My son, who has been home schooled from the middle of second grade when I yanked him is now 17. He is currently taking culinary arts through Regional Occupation Program which is a program that offers job prep type classes. This class he is taking also has an internship which many of the classes do. It's been a fabulous experience for him. He is loving it.
But, he is puzzled and outraged by the fact that the majority of the kids in the class are in it because the class is worth 10 high school credits and is a 6 week class. He knows this because the teacher asked each kid in class on the first day why they were taking culinary arts. My son said the majority of the kids said for the credits. 10 credits in 6 weeks is making it so these kids can graduate. But they could care less about culinary arts. So, it's trying at times because well, some of the kids just don't give a damn. And my son does.
Why? Why are these kids having to take something the could care less about in order to get out of high school? Why is the teacher who was an executive chef for 38 years and has an amazing amount of information to share having to babysit during most of the class so the classroom isn't set on fire?
Today I called the ROP office to enroll him in the fall semester for the culinary arts advanced class. He has decided to take that and the same teacher is teaching it. I told the woman who enrolled him that I wanted to compliment the class. I told her my son is really enjoying it. Has been inspired and it has been such a great experience for him. And that he really likes the teacher. She says oh, well he is rather militant. The kids either respond to it or they don't. He pretty much runs that class military style because of the teens he has to deal with. He is a fantastic teacher because he has control over the class at all times and doesn't put up with any fooling around. And he has had kids pull knives on him and has had to take them down. He's a great teacher.
Well, thanks. Not feeling warm and fuzzy now. Talked to my son and he says it's not that bad mom but, I'm not surprised. Great.
And again why? This class is not a required class. You don't have to take THIS class in order to graduate like math or English. This class carries 10 credits and so some kids HAD to take it because of the credits it carries. It's all crazy.
AND this teacher is being praised for being a GOOD teacher because he can take down kids that pull knives on him?
What about the 38 years experience he has to share with the kids?
Chris stays after class sometimes to pick his brains for information. He doesn't seem to have time for it during class.
Today my son said when I picked him up, poor Ben.
Whose Ben?
The lazy kid in class. I feel sorry for him.
What's up with him?
He didn't wear his uniform to class. AGAIN. You have to be in uniform. The teacher took him outside to have a private chat with him. Poor Ben.
Yes. Yes poor Ben. Because either Ben doesn't want to be in the class or Ben is not getting the support he needs to be successful in class or all of the above.
Poor Ben.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Today's Harvest
Today I went to the new farmer's market down the street from my house. For you local readers that's at Ocean View High School on the corner of Warner and Gothard.
There are only a couple of vendors there but, I like that. I get the strawberries from the berry guy. $5 for the 3 pack you see here. Next to him is the avocado guy. He also has some fruit but, I get his avocados. Large 2 for $5. There's fruit, nuts, veggies. The asparagus I got for $2. Pencil thin. I like those. Then there' the chicken lady. Fresh eggs I got the 6 for $1.90 (I gave her $2). They are good! Worth the extra over what the eggs cost at the store. AND the chicken. Whoa. The chicken you see was killed yesterday. Yep. $6 for 2 pounds of whole legs that's thigh plus the legs. There were 5 in the package. This is USDA inspected safe stuff but, locally grown in Anaheim and slaughtered yesterday chicken. So I'm skeptical on the yesterday part until I open the package and there is no smell. No chicken smell. You know that smell that raw chicken has? This chicken doesn't have it. I salt, peppered and garlic the chicken and baked it. Oh... MY....GOD! Best chicken EVER! Tender. Never had chicken that tender. Juicy and the taste. Taste like chicken only I never really knew what chicken tasted like before today. Amazing chicken.
And so I encourage you to go seek out your local farmer's market. The food there will be fresher, better quality and most of it cheaper. My haul today cost me a total of $20. Not bad.
And this is the only kind of hoarding I'm allowed now because it will ALL be consumed!
There is life after cancer
And I'm hoping for one after the trauma of chucking!
Here are the latest chucking finds:

This is a cell phone. A very old cell phone. I think it is the first one we ever had. I found the power cord too. Plugged it in. Holy crap the current date popped up. AND it worked. Well, I called my home number and it rang and then Verizon came on the line and a recording told me there was a problem with my connection and I had to call Verizon. Impressive.
Next up (because there has to be more than one find):

Isn't he cute. Remember these? My dad wants to keep him. Sigh. So he is getting packed. Not chucked. He works too.
And lastly, for now, because who knows what I'll find tomorrow:

And this one is the winner. The granddaddy of hoarding items I tell you. I naming this one the craziness of hoarding award supreme. What was I thinking?
Okay so here we go. This was a wedding gift. That would be 1989. It was given to me by friends of my parents. Sweet really. What is it? A juicer. A cut the oranges or lemons or limes in half and push them down on the electric spinning cone shaped thing and viola! fresh squeezed OJ!.
How many times did I use this juicer since 1989? None.
How many times did I take it out of the box? None.
How many times did I pack it and move it? Twice.
How many times did the gift giver ask me how was the juicer? None.
why, Why, WHY! (go watch the Nancy Kerrigan video below) Because it was a gift. And that's what you do. You haul it with you for all eternity although that is impossible. I know the gift givers would not have wanted me to be saddled with this gift forever. And so it has moved on.
I also have a set of pots and pans that my auntie (my dad's sister) gave me when I got married. I use those. Still use them to this day and they still look brand new. I'm keeping those. Because I use them.
But, if you have something in a box and you only remember you have it when you go to move, it's time to pass that along.
Hi, my name is Pam and I'm a recovering hoarder.
Here are the latest chucking finds:
This is a cell phone. A very old cell phone. I think it is the first one we ever had. I found the power cord too. Plugged it in. Holy crap the current date popped up. AND it worked. Well, I called my home number and it rang and then Verizon came on the line and a recording told me there was a problem with my connection and I had to call Verizon. Impressive.
Next up (because there has to be more than one find):
Isn't he cute. Remember these? My dad wants to keep him. Sigh. So he is getting packed. Not chucked. He works too.
And lastly, for now, because who knows what I'll find tomorrow:
And this one is the winner. The granddaddy of hoarding items I tell you. I naming this one the craziness of hoarding award supreme. What was I thinking?
Okay so here we go. This was a wedding gift. That would be 1989. It was given to me by friends of my parents. Sweet really. What is it? A juicer. A cut the oranges or lemons or limes in half and push them down on the electric spinning cone shaped thing and viola! fresh squeezed OJ!.
How many times did I use this juicer since 1989? None.
How many times did I take it out of the box? None.
How many times did I pack it and move it? Twice.
How many times did the gift giver ask me how was the juicer? None.
why, Why, WHY! (go watch the Nancy Kerrigan video below) Because it was a gift. And that's what you do. You haul it with you for all eternity although that is impossible. I know the gift givers would not have wanted me to be saddled with this gift forever. And so it has moved on.
I also have a set of pots and pans that my auntie (my dad's sister) gave me when I got married. I use those. Still use them to this day and they still look brand new. I'm keeping those. Because I use them.
But, if you have something in a box and you only remember you have it when you go to move, it's time to pass that along.
Hi, my name is Pam and I'm a recovering hoarder.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Still Chucking
And it is starting to feel like and endless task! Oh when will the pile cease to exists!
My problem is I keep getting tempted by packing. I start to look at the stuff I want to keep and think I need to box that up. But, really that's a distraction from chucking.
Must resist. Chuck first then I can pack.
My problem is I keep getting tempted by packing. I start to look at the stuff I want to keep and think I need to box that up. But, really that's a distraction from chucking.
Must resist. Chuck first then I can pack.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Hoarder or Chucker
Some of us are hoarders and some of us are chuckers. Which one are you? I never thought of myself as a hoarder but I am. I don't look like a hoarder but that is only because I'm a cheap bastard and don't buy a lot of stuff or the place would be filled to the rafters with shit.
But I am a hoarder. Or rather I have a hard time chucking and that is probably also due to the fact that I'm a cheap bastard and hey I paid good money for that and am going to keep it forever.
I'm learning to be a chucker.
It's painful.
But I am a hoarder. Or rather I have a hard time chucking and that is probably also due to the fact that I'm a cheap bastard and hey I paid good money for that and am going to keep it forever.
I'm learning to be a chucker.
It's painful.
Peaches in the Summertime....
This song emerged in the US sometime in the 1700s. It gained over 300 lyrics through the years. The version I know, the first line is peaches in the summertime and apples in the fall. But, I love this clip. Every time I watch it, makes me want to learn to play the dulcimer. Lord help me.
I have a peach tree. It did very well this year in its yield. I just wish the fruit would ripen at a nice rate of two per day but, that's not how it works. So yesterday I pretty much cleaned out the tree and made peach butter. Here are the results:
I then sliced and peel the never ending pile and placed them in a pot to cook:
Once the peaches were soft, I placed them into a blender and puree away. Then transferred the yummy smoothness back to a pot to cook until reduced to a butter.
End result!
Looks like something that came out of one end of a baby. Doesn't really matter which end either but, it taste goooood!
But, it was not without some incidents like the fact I really started this project too late in the day. A butter is to be cooked down until thick. Like really thick. The directions that I found on the internet said to cook until you could scoop up the butter with a spoon and turn the spoon over and have the butter NOT fall off. Seriously? About 11pm last night is when I decided it was thick enough. I scooped some up with a spoon, turned the spoon over clung for a second or two before it plopped back into the pot. Close enough I decided since I was going for butter and not tar. I turned off the heat and transferred the butter to a container and into the fridge to cool and called it Goodnight Irene!
Keep singing. Keep making. Keep sharing with others!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
I Have Absolutely No Idea
Found this while chucking crap. What is it? I have absolutely no idea. I think it was some sort of tassel? Why did I keep it? I have absolutely no idea. I'm sure I had a reason but, really it just makes me say "why?" "Why?" "WHY?"
What does the ferret going down the pool slide have to do with anything? I have absolutely no idea. None.
Chucking Crap
And so in my last post made about 2 seconds ago I divulged that I was moving in with my parents. This hasn't taken place yet but is in the process starting with chucking crap.
I have moved several times in my life time. But this time is different because I'm not just having to put everything I own in a box and move it. I'm chucking. Just how do you get rid of everything? And it's not that I have to but, there is only so much room at my parents and honestly most of this stuff I have I don't want anymore. I need some clothes, shoes and my hobby supplies and that's about it. I'm going to see just how compact I can make it.
I have made failed attempts in the past to get rid of crap but this time the emotional baggage just isn't there. The stuff I want I really want. No way is this going. And the stuff I don't want poof in the bag it goes. No wavering. No oh, no I can' and so gave that to me, I can't get rid of that, oh I'll put it over here and look at it later. Nope just chuck-o-roo!
Painful? Not really. Freeing like weight coming off really.
And I have a 4 step plan.
Step 1. Go through each room and chuck all the stuff I don't want
Step 2. Pack all the stuff I'm keeping
Step 3. Call 1-800 Got Junk and have all the big stuff hauled away.
Step 4. Move the stuff I'm keeping to my parents.
I started with my bedroom figuring that would be the most emotional room as it contains the most of my personal stuff. But, I have a feeling the hardest is actually going to be my son's room. Although I know he is going to say "get rid of it all". I'm going to tackle that one next as I'm almost done with mine.
And so I'm off and chucking.
I have moved several times in my life time. But this time is different because I'm not just having to put everything I own in a box and move it. I'm chucking. Just how do you get rid of everything? And it's not that I have to but, there is only so much room at my parents and honestly most of this stuff I have I don't want anymore. I need some clothes, shoes and my hobby supplies and that's about it. I'm going to see just how compact I can make it.
I have made failed attempts in the past to get rid of crap but this time the emotional baggage just isn't there. The stuff I want I really want. No way is this going. And the stuff I don't want poof in the bag it goes. No wavering. No oh, no I can' and so gave that to me, I can't get rid of that, oh I'll put it over here and look at it later. Nope just chuck-o-roo!
Painful? Not really. Freeing like weight coming off really.
And I have a 4 step plan.
Step 1. Go through each room and chuck all the stuff I don't want
Step 2. Pack all the stuff I'm keeping
Step 3. Call 1-800 Got Junk and have all the big stuff hauled away.
Step 4. Move the stuff I'm keeping to my parents.
I started with my bedroom figuring that would be the most emotional room as it contains the most of my personal stuff. But, I have a feeling the hardest is actually going to be my son's room. Although I know he is going to say "get rid of it all". I'm going to tackle that one next as I'm almost done with mine.
And so I'm off and chucking.
The Circle of Life
Single, no children, living with parents
Married, no children, working, living on own
Married with child, not working, living on own
Married with child, working, living on own
Married with child, not working, living on own
Single with child, not working, living on own
Single with child, working, living on own
Single with child, cancer diagnosis, not working, living with parents
Single with child, finishing cancer treatment, not working, living on own
Single with child, recovering from treatment, not working, moving back in with parents
Future status; Single with child, working part-time, living with parents
And thus the circle of life. Well, my life anyway and yes I moving in with my parents for a long list of reasons but, primarily because they have asked me to not for their sake but for mine.
Well, the reality is it's for all our sanity.
Sometimes you just need family and all the craziness that entails but all the support it offers too.
And so my musing on life will be focused on multi-generations living together under one roof. Or as I like to call it going European life style.
Married, no children, working, living on own
Married with child, not working, living on own
Married with child, working, living on own
Married with child, not working, living on own
Single with child, not working, living on own
Single with child, working, living on own
Single with child, cancer diagnosis, not working, living with parents
Single with child, finishing cancer treatment, not working, living on own
Single with child, recovering from treatment, not working, moving back in with parents
Future status; Single with child, working part-time, living with parents
And thus the circle of life. Well, my life anyway and yes I moving in with my parents for a long list of reasons but, primarily because they have asked me to not for their sake but for mine.
Well, the reality is it's for all our sanity.
Sometimes you just need family and all the craziness that entails but all the support it offers too.
And so my musing on life will be focused on multi-generations living together under one roof. Or as I like to call it going European life style.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
All you need
All you need are some clothes, shoes and whatever is necessary for your current hobby.
That's all.
The rest is just collected crap.
I'm throwing it all away.
Bye bye.
Maybe some of it will get given away or donated.
soon to be
Oh, and a laptop. You need a laptop.
And a cell phone
well shit here's how it all starts all over again
the collecting crap part.
Hmmmmm how to prevent that?
That's all.
The rest is just collected crap.
I'm throwing it all away.
Bye bye.
Maybe some of it will get given away or donated.
soon to be
Oh, and a laptop. You need a laptop.
And a cell phone
well shit here's how it all starts all over again
the collecting crap part.
Hmmmmm how to prevent that?
Thursday, July 7, 2011
It's official
3 more to go.
I saw Dr. Barth today. I have 3 more herceptin infusions left and then I'm done. My how time flies when you are having fun. And even when you are not.
August 23rd will be officially my last one! Yay!
In other happy news, I'm doing great. Dr. Barth is most pleased with me. Tumor markers are all good. I will see him next around the 1st of September and will be going to a every three month schedule with blood draws every three months. I will also be getting CT scan, MRI, bone density, probably one more MUGA although he didn't bring it up, they usually want one after we stop treatment. Those will be done between September and December. Then CT scans annually after that with me seeing him every 3 months. Year 3 every 4 months and then it will go to every 6 months up to year 10 and then annually I guess until he retires.
Anyway as Dr. Barth put it "we will be joined at the hip quite some time".
I saw Dr. Barth today. I have 3 more herceptin infusions left and then I'm done. My how time flies when you are having fun. And even when you are not.
August 23rd will be officially my last one! Yay!
In other happy news, I'm doing great. Dr. Barth is most pleased with me. Tumor markers are all good. I will see him next around the 1st of September and will be going to a every three month schedule with blood draws every three months. I will also be getting CT scan, MRI, bone density, probably one more MUGA although he didn't bring it up, they usually want one after we stop treatment. Those will be done between September and December. Then CT scans annually after that with me seeing him every 3 months. Year 3 every 4 months and then it will go to every 6 months up to year 10 and then annually I guess until he retires.
Anyway as Dr. Barth put it "we will be joined at the hip quite some time".
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Too Busy
I've been too busy to blog. This is not a good thing as I have found that writing does something to your brain. In a good way. Well, it's does mine. It helps me work things through. So I really should not be remiss about my blogging.
My son is doing ROP and is taking culinary arts. The boy can use the microwave and the toaster somewhat but who knew he would be so interested. He is loving the class so far. This class has an internship too. So he will be interning in a real live kitchen. It's been interesting to watch the excitement and nerves this past week. Class is everyday and I've been taxi mom.
Still on the job hunt. The right thing just hasn't worked out yet and I'm desperately trying to just go with the flow.
So I've got the boy busy. Trying to get myself busy and put the pieces back together. Although I don't think they can be. I don't think putting the pieces back together can be done. Nope. I think a new path has to be forged. And chopping through the jungle with that machete is tough work. For one thing you can't see where the Hell you are going! What I really want to do is just carve out a little niche and just have some peace for a little bit. Doesn't seem like to much to ask for. Strange how forward is all a mystery. The direction we have no choice but to go in and it's all jungle and we can't see. We look behind us and see the trail we have forged. It all makes sense. We can see the errors, where we got lost, where things went well. But, forward on we must go with all the uncertainty.
My son is doing ROP and is taking culinary arts. The boy can use the microwave and the toaster somewhat but who knew he would be so interested. He is loving the class so far. This class has an internship too. So he will be interning in a real live kitchen. It's been interesting to watch the excitement and nerves this past week. Class is everyday and I've been taxi mom.
Still on the job hunt. The right thing just hasn't worked out yet and I'm desperately trying to just go with the flow.
So I've got the boy busy. Trying to get myself busy and put the pieces back together. Although I don't think they can be. I don't think putting the pieces back together can be done. Nope. I think a new path has to be forged. And chopping through the jungle with that machete is tough work. For one thing you can't see where the Hell you are going! What I really want to do is just carve out a little niche and just have some peace for a little bit. Doesn't seem like to much to ask for. Strange how forward is all a mystery. The direction we have no choice but to go in and it's all jungle and we can't see. We look behind us and see the trail we have forged. It all makes sense. We can see the errors, where we got lost, where things went well. But, forward on we must go with all the uncertainty.
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