I started my day off by participating in a Relay For Life fund raiser for cancer. I go to walk in the survivor lap. Nice event. Nice people. Good company. Good cause. Nice way to start the day. They did run out of coffee but, I could even over look that. Darn it. I just remembered I forgot to get my plant. Survivors got a nice goodie bag and a plant. Oh well.
Then it was off to the farmer's market. The above picture is my haul this week. Once again here is the breakdown:
Strawberries 5
Beets and beans 4.50
Peanuts 5
Chicken 10
Sourdough bread 4
Total 28.50. Fresh stuff. Good price.
And then I topped the day off with a movie with friends. The Help. I liked it.
The move is still on for Weds. We are pretty much set and most of my boxed stuff is moved and unpacked at my parents.
If you are thinking wow well, remember I threw away tons. Tons. Of stuff. Makes moving easier.
Years ago I heard Cher being interviewed and she said "What do I know? I thought everyone got married, had kids, got divorced and then moved back home."
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