Thursday, April 26, 2012

The bad and the ugly

But it gets to good again. So I need to finish last week so I can get to this week. My time flies.

Monday did come and with it my homework was due for my Quickbooks class I'm taking. I got it done but, on Tuesday found out I had made a mistake somewhere along the line. But, by Wednesday at noon, I still hadn't found it and gave up. The worse part was that I had a test that night and the data from the homework was going to be used for the test. So I knew I was pretty much fucked for the test as well. And then at 4pm the light bulb goes on. From no where I knew where the mistake was. So now I'm jamming like crazy to get it fixed and print all the corrections out and I flew out the door at 5:40 pm to make it to my 6:00pm class. Now mind you, I have to say the teacher is a Nazi. She will ding you points for every little thing and gets off on it. Sicko. Anyway, I ran to class. Literally RAN. And those of you that know me, know I don't do run. The last time I ran to class was probably in high school. And honestly I'm not sure I ever even bothered before to run to class. I made it. Made it by the skin of my teeth. Only to discover I had left my student ID number at home. AND you need that to sign onto the computer. Fuck me. I just busted my ass to fix the homework, so the numbers would be right for the test and I can't even take the fucking thing, because I left my student ID number at home. So I go to the Nazi teacher and ask her if there is anyway she can look it up. And she tells me she can but, it will take her a little while. Okay fine, what else am I going to do? I go back to my computer and dig out my 3X5 note card we are allowed to write notes on and use during a test to discover...I had written my ID on the card. Why, I have no idea but it was probably the smartest thing I've ever done.

And in that moment, I discovered that I don't have as good of filters as I thought. Or because of what I've been through it really is all about me. Or because I'm turning fifty this year it REALLY is all about me. I know I've gone to the it's all about me universe. I know it. And I know those of you that know me, put up with my ass now that I'm in that universe and I appreciate that. I truly do. But, the glaring example of the it's all about me and my filters have eroded to non-existence, happened in that moment, when my eyes hit that ID number on the 3X5 card, because I just walked up to the front of the class and stood right in front of Nazi teacher and declared in great relief "Look! I wrote it down on my card, I don't need you to look it up after all!" She looked at me like I had lost my fucking mind, which I think at this point I had, because it wasn't until that very moment that I realized she was talking to the class. She looked at me rather stunned and said "That's good." Probably because she didn't know what else to say.

Sigh. Yes one of my finer moments.

Tuesday I went and had my mammogram. Everything is good. Saw my surgeon she is doing well and is happy with me. I went on Wednesday to my internist who shot my finger up with some herbal stuff. I'm hoping this will help and I am getting some relief. But, I didn't time things so well because Thursday I saw my cerebral warrior. And he wasn't too impressed with the finger shooting up with herbal concoction. He was non committal. Literally. Just looked and said nothing. Sigh. But, he is rather happy with how I am doing as well. I'm on half dosage with the letrozole and he tested to see how my estrogen levels are doing on the half dosage. I haven't heard anything so If I don't I won't go back to see him until July. I do have to have a CT scan. Just follow up. And am waiting for that to be scheduled once they get the approval from my insurance. But, Dr. Barth just wants that done before he sees me in July so, there is no rush.

Then Thursday, I went to Disneyland in the evening with a lovely friend and her daughter. It was a nice way to unwind from the crazy week.

And that was the good, the bad and the ugly!

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