Wednesday, May 19, 2010


There are some things that just bring out the worse in us. I'm having one of those experiences today and the worse it is bringing out in me is a fantasy that I would never ever thought I would ever have in my entire life. Before you read further, I warned you. I am fantasizing about wanting to be standing in front of a run down white trash trailer, donning a wife beater-shirt, taking a drag on a cigarette and cracking open a six pack of beer, all while scratching the hell out of my ass. Why? why would I have this fantasy? Because my butt itches and in that fantasy I could scratch at will and no one would blink an eye or bother to say anything.

Sigh. Reality is its not medically sound. So, I'm taking warm bathes and apply butt numbing cream.

Thank you Leonard Lawrence Marraffino who in 1955 invented butt numbing cream AND toothpaste.


  1. What is in butt numbing cream, anyway?

  2. When I picture you in this fantasy you change genders, and it's difficult to turn you into a guy! Thanks for bending my mind tonight, Pam!

  3. I can see her as a woman in this fantasy!! LOL!

    But, I personally like the idea of her being some super uppity woman in a tight red mid-thigh dress and black spike heels walking through Fashion Island with this issue. What would she do then? teee hee hee!

  4. Hahahahaha! When I went through the rig-a-ma-role of security issues to post my comment, my security word that I had to copy was "dazed", some how that fits.

  5. I hope those were two separate discoveries the butt cream and the toothpaste! xo Helen

  6. I would be walking really funny!

    Butt numbing cream is more commonly known as preparation H. Not sure of the ingredients but, there's a numbing factor involved that has saved my sanity.

    Yes, Helen you would hope but, then there's the thought of what if one discovery inspired the other and if so which one was discovered first? I can say this, I am thankful for both!

  7. Mr. Marraffino did not invent Preparation H. He did invent Stripe Toothpaste which is still sold overseas as Signal.
