Well, chemo is going to be all about pooing for me it seems. I think I understand now what "moving from constipation to diarrhea" means. Although the concept itself just seems like something one should want to avoid all together. But, since it can't be avoided, do it so you don't end up in the ER.
So, Saturday pass some poo, made me sweaty, faint and nauseous. Did not throw, laid down, feet up and in a few minutes it passed. Went through the same thing on Sunday. Monday finally went without any after effects. Oh happy moment. But, then the bowels started talking loudly and I knew it was coming. Diarrhea made its appearance Monday night. Not violent. Took one anti diarrhea pill and that so far has stopped the process. Eating slowing and bland today.
This round, although not fun, I have to say was more successful than the first one. No hospital stay. That has to be a good thing.
On the schedule:
Next Doctor's appt June 2nd. Will be Dr. Barth, he has more test results. Oncotype DX test and other stuff.
June 3rd will be round 3.
So far that's it.
You know I'm thinking of you Pam!