Thursday, September 16, 2010

Crazy Week!!!

What a week and it's not over yet! Monday was radiation, Dr. Barth and Dr. Guerra. Tuesday radiation and herceptin infusion. Wednesday radiation, saw radiation oncologist and radiation nurse. Thursday oh hey that's today, just radiation but I got a call from Dr. Barth's and he wants me to have a MUGA ASAP..

MUGA is a heart function scan and the ASAP was due more to my insurance. Go figure this one. My insurance will cover the herceptin but, only if I have a MUGA every three months while on the herceptin. No MUGA, they won't pay for the herceptin. It's only costing them more money so I can't figure it out. Since I already started on the herceptin we need to get the scan done ASAP. So it's scheduled for Monday and my insurance already approved for me to have them every three months for a year at Hoag.

So the craziness should slow down after Tuesday I'm hoping. Monday radiation at 8:30 and MUGA at 11:30. Tuesday radiation at 8:30 second herceptin infusion at 10:30. I won't have another infusion for three weeks and during that time I should only have radiation. I hope. These multiple "things" on the same day are just a little overbearing. The radiation being daily makes it hard for there not to be multiple things going on.

BUT, they leave me alone on the weekends.

Thank God tomorrow is FRIDAY!!

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