Sunday, September 5, 2010

Toy Story 3 Another Cancer Story

For those of you who have seen Toy Story 3, you might not want to read this and those of you who haven't seen it, may want to before reading this and those of you who....oh never mind there is no way in hell any of you are going to stop reading now.

I went and saw Toy Story 3 with Chris today. It's a cancer story. I tell you it's a cancer story! Someone went through cancer.


The movie starts off with diagnosis. Are they going to the attic or the curb for trash pick up. Do they have curable cancer or are they going to die. They don't know. Hysteria breaks out literally. The dinosaur yells "I can't take the uncertainty of it all!!!!" He needed a xanax.

They are pretty sure they were going to the curb so they are looking at treatment plans and they decide on Sunnyday Preschool. Better than the curb. And when they get to Sunnyday Preschool well it looks good. They are hopeful. But then treatment starts. Yes treatment which feels like a prison because your life is no longer yours. And there is Lotsa hugs bear. He looks friendly. Yes he is the hiding part of the disease that hasn't been revealed yet. And then he rears his ugly head. Crap it's aggressive cancer! He is one mean bear.

Woody escapes as some do avoid certain types of treatments but, he relapses and ends up going back to Sunnydale.

Lotsa hugs bear turns into a really aggressive cancer and there they are fighting for their very lifes. Really on the edge and they turn to the aggressive cancer Lotsa hugs to save they day because aggressive cancer will respond better to some treatments than less aggressive cancer. He let's them down.

Now they are doomed. Doomed headed towards the flaming inferno. And they all hold hands and peacefully accept the inevitable. Then the crane, the big crane comes and scoops them up. Well, it's a Disney Pixar movie and some people that close to the edge of death do get a crane scoop, it's called a miracle and they do happen.

Then they all end up with Bonnie. They have a life but it is not their old life. It is not the same as it was before but, it is good.

We left the theater and Chris says "It wasn't as funny as I thought it was going to be. It was too much like what we are living"

Toy Story 3, another cancer story.


  1. I think this is one of the most valuable things you have written on here Pam. This is the way that non-cancer survivors can start to understand that journey. And Chris... I hate to think about the shitstorm of emotions he is in, but he is coming through it intact, and he is going to be a powerhouse adult.


  2. I have to do some serious research. I really want to know if the Toy Story 3 writer had cancer or walked through it.

    I was watching the whole experience in animation!
