My old address book was falling apart. So, I bought a new one. And now I can find the new one but, can't find the old one.
The new one is empty.
I suspect there is a problem here.
If you would like to ever possibly receive something from me in the mail, like a card or possibly a gift....could you email me your address.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Decandence or Decante?
Aren't they the same thing? Not quite.
I'm in Barnes and Noble today. I'm trying to look at the fiber artist books, that would be knitting and crocheting primarily for me. And to the right coming from the floor I hear "excuse me do you know what decadence means?" I look to my right and down. There sprawled on the floor is a man probably in his early 30s on his stomach prompted up on his elbows looking at a book in front of his face.
Okay first I'm amazed that the no sitting on the floor Barnes and Noble Nazis aren't all over this man. Hell I've been busted for squatting. Squatting for God's sake. Sorry ma'am there is no sitting on the floor we have chairs if you would like to sit down. I'm not sitting on the blasted floor this is a squat. It has been my experience that Barnes and Noble will not tolerate squatters.
So, here is this man sprawled full body on the floor! I swear two minutes earlier I heard an employee telling someone they couldn't sit on the floor. Maybe it's no sitting, no squatting but, a full body sprawl is okay.
But, I digress, "Yes, decadence means, well...." I'm now looking at grown man sprawled on floor and assessing how much of a definition to give. And yes, judging and profiling and trying to be fair but give a general definition that won't have him still wondering what the word means because that could be awkward. For everyone. "well...have you ever had a really rich chocolate dessert?"
"Yeah" he replies.
"Well, that's decadence. The whole experience."
He frowns, looks back at the book and says "I don't think that's what it means."
So help me, I wonder over to look. "Let me see how it is being used.". He shows me. I see the word decante. I don't know what the word means but, it's an astrology book he is looking at and I know it's an astrology term of some sort.
"Oh decante, that is an astrology term." I say.
"Does that mean I'm not compatible with this person?" he asks rather hopeful and with a tinge of desperation.
"Yes, yes it does." I reply.
"So that's why it's not going to work out with us. Ever. Huh?."
"I'm afraid so. That is what it means. So sorry."
"Yeah, darn guess that's why it's not working out with her."
"Yep, that would be why."
And no I don't feel bad. Dude needed some reason why it wasn't working out. Seems like decante is as good of a reason as any. At least it was very apparent it was the reason he was willing to accept.
By the way every sign is subdivided into 3 decans or decantes of 10°, each of which is associated with 3 signs of the same element. And I still don't know what it means except that it's an astrology term. I like not compatible better.
And I still want to know how he was getting away with sprawling on the floor!
I'm in Barnes and Noble today. I'm trying to look at the fiber artist books, that would be knitting and crocheting primarily for me. And to the right coming from the floor I hear "excuse me do you know what decadence means?" I look to my right and down. There sprawled on the floor is a man probably in his early 30s on his stomach prompted up on his elbows looking at a book in front of his face.
Okay first I'm amazed that the no sitting on the floor Barnes and Noble Nazis aren't all over this man. Hell I've been busted for squatting. Squatting for God's sake. Sorry ma'am there is no sitting on the floor we have chairs if you would like to sit down. I'm not sitting on the blasted floor this is a squat. It has been my experience that Barnes and Noble will not tolerate squatters.
So, here is this man sprawled full body on the floor! I swear two minutes earlier I heard an employee telling someone they couldn't sit on the floor. Maybe it's no sitting, no squatting but, a full body sprawl is okay.
But, I digress, "Yes, decadence means, well...." I'm now looking at grown man sprawled on floor and assessing how much of a definition to give. And yes, judging and profiling and trying to be fair but give a general definition that won't have him still wondering what the word means because that could be awkward. For everyone. "well...have you ever had a really rich chocolate dessert?"
"Yeah" he replies.
"Well, that's decadence. The whole experience."
He frowns, looks back at the book and says "I don't think that's what it means."
So help me, I wonder over to look. "Let me see how it is being used.". He shows me. I see the word decante. I don't know what the word means but, it's an astrology book he is looking at and I know it's an astrology term of some sort.
"Oh decante, that is an astrology term." I say.
"Does that mean I'm not compatible with this person?" he asks rather hopeful and with a tinge of desperation.
"Yes, yes it does." I reply.
"So that's why it's not going to work out with us. Ever. Huh?."
"I'm afraid so. That is what it means. So sorry."
"Yeah, darn guess that's why it's not working out with her."
"Yep, that would be why."
And no I don't feel bad. Dude needed some reason why it wasn't working out. Seems like decante is as good of a reason as any. At least it was very apparent it was the reason he was willing to accept.
By the way every sign is subdivided into 3 decans or decantes of 10°, each of which is associated with 3 signs of the same element. And I still don't know what it means except that it's an astrology term. I like not compatible better.
And I still want to know how he was getting away with sprawling on the floor!
Got Conscience?
Apparently Harold Camping doesn't, check this out...
Some followers spent their life savings in anticipation of the end coming. And he feels bad. BAD that it didn't happen. But, wait he thinks it is happening just in the spiritual world and the end will still come in October. Or maybe he just miscalculated. And hey he is not here to give advice anyway just to let people know there maybe is someone they can talk to and that is God.
I know Harold is 89 but, I think it would be in everyone's best interest if he just shut the fuck up now.
2,000 billboards. Lots of wasted money. Stupid thing to be hoping for anyway all in the name of an 89 year old afraid to die.
Yes I really do think that's what it's all about. There I said it.
Dying, like any unknown is scary. But, this is just a plain out and out wrong way to be handling it.
Suck it up Harold.

Some followers spent their life savings in anticipation of the end coming. And he feels bad. BAD that it didn't happen. But, wait he thinks it is happening just in the spiritual world and the end will still come in October. Or maybe he just miscalculated. And hey he is not here to give advice anyway just to let people know there maybe is someone they can talk to and that is God.
I know Harold is 89 but, I think it would be in everyone's best interest if he just shut the fuck up now.
2,000 billboards. Lots of wasted money. Stupid thing to be hoping for anyway all in the name of an 89 year old afraid to die.
Yes I really do think that's what it's all about. There I said it.
Dying, like any unknown is scary. But, this is just a plain out and out wrong way to be handling it.
Suck it up Harold.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Got Rapture?
Some yahoo, Harold Camping to be precise ( predicted the start of the rapture taking place today. Those who are believers were to be Raptured today with the end of the world happening in October. I guess we are all screwed. Well, for anyone who didn't die today.
Definition of RAPTURE
1 an expression or manifestation of ecstasy or passion
2 a state or experience of being carried away by overwhelming emotion b : a mystical experience in which the spirit is exalted to a knowledge of divine things
3 often capitalized : the final assumption of Christians into heaven during the end-time according to Christian theology
Harold was referring to number 3 in the above definition. But, this whole idea of rapture had me thinking. You know, if God really wanted to make an impact the idea of taking believing peeps "up" with him really isn't going to accomplish anything. If Rapture became a reality someone of us would be glad to go. Some would be glad to stay. Some would be sad about those that went. Some would be glad about who went. And people would just be people.
But, imagine that instead of peeps, God raptured ALL our stuff? Yeah, yeah just imagine you are reading this blog and are now sitting naked on the earth with nothing. NOTHING. What if God raptured all our stuff and we were left with each other and the Earth. Only.
No looting.
Nothing to loot.
Just sit for a moment with that.
If all any of us had was our nakedness and the Earth.....and each other.
Yeah, who am I kidding it would be one massive bitch fest.
And I'd probably be bitching the loudest.
But, that would make an impact.
Definition of RAPTURE
1 an expression or manifestation of ecstasy or passion
2 a state or experience of being carried away by overwhelming emotion b : a mystical experience in which the spirit is exalted to a knowledge of divine things
3 often capitalized : the final assumption of Christians into heaven during the end-time according to Christian theology
Harold was referring to number 3 in the above definition. But, this whole idea of rapture had me thinking. You know, if God really wanted to make an impact the idea of taking believing peeps "up" with him really isn't going to accomplish anything. If Rapture became a reality someone of us would be glad to go. Some would be glad to stay. Some would be sad about those that went. Some would be glad about who went. And people would just be people.
But, imagine that instead of peeps, God raptured ALL our stuff? Yeah, yeah just imagine you are reading this blog and are now sitting naked on the earth with nothing. NOTHING. What if God raptured all our stuff and we were left with each other and the Earth. Only.
No looting.
Nothing to loot.
Just sit for a moment with that.
If all any of us had was our nakedness and the Earth.....and each other.
Yeah, who am I kidding it would be one massive bitch fest.
And I'd probably be bitching the loudest.
But, that would make an impact.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Hi, I'm Pam and I'm a recovering over analytical control freak.
I've learned this lesson. I swear I have. You can worry yourself sick and it won't get you anywhere. Might as well just do what you can. What is in your control. And then, let go and not worry. As long as you are "moving" towards something, you are going to be okay. And sometimes it's even a good idea to be still for a bit if you suspect you are just chasing your tail. Let the spinning stop and the dust settle and take stock. See the path once again and start off.
I know this yet, I find myself wanting to worry. Because that will make something happen. And it won't.
I remember years ago someone and heck if I can remember now who because my brain is going, I think it was someone I was working with at the time. Anyway, this person said to me "Don't worry Pam, things have a way of working themselves out" and I replied "yes, because someone does something about it!"
I think this is my clue that it's time for some xanax and bed.
Night all.
After all tomorrow is another day.
I've learned this lesson. I swear I have. You can worry yourself sick and it won't get you anywhere. Might as well just do what you can. What is in your control. And then, let go and not worry. As long as you are "moving" towards something, you are going to be okay. And sometimes it's even a good idea to be still for a bit if you suspect you are just chasing your tail. Let the spinning stop and the dust settle and take stock. See the path once again and start off.
I know this yet, I find myself wanting to worry. Because that will make something happen. And it won't.
I remember years ago someone and heck if I can remember now who because my brain is going, I think it was someone I was working with at the time. Anyway, this person said to me "Don't worry Pam, things have a way of working themselves out" and I replied "yes, because someone does something about it!"
I think this is my clue that it's time for some xanax and bed.
Night all.
After all tomorrow is another day.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Close the window
The window of opportunity is now closed.
My ATM card arrived in the mail yesterday afternoon.
I can now re-join the living.
My ATM card arrived in the mail yesterday afternoon.
I can now re-join the living.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Window of Opportunity?
"I'm still in the window of opportunity?" I say to the bank representative on the phone, "Look I'm not trying to get pregnant here, I just want to know where my re-issued ATM card is!"
I lost my ATM card and the whole process to get a new one is turning out to be like trying to get pregnant. I swear.
And this all started on Mother's day so maybe that has something to do with it.
I last used my ATM card on Mother's day and got cash. Out of the ATM machine. And I used the cash to buy stuff the rest of the day. On Monday, I went to CVS to pick up my prescription and found my ATM card was missing. I went home called the card AWOL. The bank representative told me I would receive a new card in 2 to 3 days.
Well, it's been a week. Worrying now and so I called. The bank representative took all my vitals and put me on hold. She said on Monday the 9th a new card was re-issued but, that I was still in the window of opportunity so give it another 2 days.
What window of opportunity?
She says you are in what we call the window of opportunity to receive the card. Once you are past that window, if you still haven't received the card, then we do something.
I'm not trying to get pregnant here. I just want my ATM card. Don't you have records of when you actually mailed it?
No. But, you are still in the window of opportunity, so give it 2 more days.
Window of opportunity. Who is the jack ass that decided to call it that. It's stupid. Are trying to say I might get a new ATM card but, in reality it's just a crap shoot. And at this point it's an "opportunity" because it might not be lost in the mail so we are just all going to hope it shows up?
Give it another 2 days.
Should I pee on a stick?
I'm just annoyed. If you mail out crap you should keep track of when it got mailed. And I do believe the bastards do they just know that USPS fucks up a lot and are trying to give them time.
In the meantime though I get to function without my ATM card. And I have discovered this past week that's not so easy.
I lost my ATM card and the whole process to get a new one is turning out to be like trying to get pregnant. I swear.
And this all started on Mother's day so maybe that has something to do with it.
I last used my ATM card on Mother's day and got cash. Out of the ATM machine. And I used the cash to buy stuff the rest of the day. On Monday, I went to CVS to pick up my prescription and found my ATM card was missing. I went home called the card AWOL. The bank representative told me I would receive a new card in 2 to 3 days.
Well, it's been a week. Worrying now and so I called. The bank representative took all my vitals and put me on hold. She said on Monday the 9th a new card was re-issued but, that I was still in the window of opportunity so give it another 2 days.
What window of opportunity?
She says you are in what we call the window of opportunity to receive the card. Once you are past that window, if you still haven't received the card, then we do something.
I'm not trying to get pregnant here. I just want my ATM card. Don't you have records of when you actually mailed it?
No. But, you are still in the window of opportunity, so give it 2 more days.
Window of opportunity. Who is the jack ass that decided to call it that. It's stupid. Are trying to say I might get a new ATM card but, in reality it's just a crap shoot. And at this point it's an "opportunity" because it might not be lost in the mail so we are just all going to hope it shows up?
Give it another 2 days.
Should I pee on a stick?
I'm just annoyed. If you mail out crap you should keep track of when it got mailed. And I do believe the bastards do they just know that USPS fucks up a lot and are trying to give them time.
In the meantime though I get to function without my ATM card. And I have discovered this past week that's not so easy.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Monday, May 9, 2011
My Doctor had a BAD day
Holy moly canoly? It was a bad day at my oncologist's office. I had a 12:30 appointment.
By 2pm the receptionist pretty much freaked. She opened the glass window and called out three names. Mine was one. And said that Doctor was running 3 hours behind and if any of us would like to see the PA instead. I raised my hand. I was okay as this was just a check in to see how things are going. And I'm fine. No problems.
At 2:30 I'm taken into the back and I say to the nurse well I guess all Hell has broken lose. And he tells me that my doctor had a couple of tough cases this morning. Yikes. We are talking about cancer here. So who knows. But, the back office staff was STRESSED OUT!
So I see Nicole his PA. And all is well. Blood work is looking good. We are good.
Tomorrow I go back for my Herceptin.
I'm hoping it will be a better day for all!
By 2pm the receptionist pretty much freaked. She opened the glass window and called out three names. Mine was one. And said that Doctor was running 3 hours behind and if any of us would like to see the PA instead. I raised my hand. I was okay as this was just a check in to see how things are going. And I'm fine. No problems.
At 2:30 I'm taken into the back and I say to the nurse well I guess all Hell has broken lose. And he tells me that my doctor had a couple of tough cases this morning. Yikes. We are talking about cancer here. So who knows. But, the back office staff was STRESSED OUT!
So I see Nicole his PA. And all is well. Blood work is looking good. We are good.
Tomorrow I go back for my Herceptin.
I'm hoping it will be a better day for all!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Happy Mother's Day
Happy Mother's Day.
I'm just going to leave it at that.
It's my Mother's day gift to you all.
I'm just going to leave it at that.
It's my Mother's day gift to you all.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Pizza Scissors!!
Years, years ago we were in Vegas. My son was a little guy then. My mom and I went to the pool. I really don't know where all the men folk had taken off to. I can't remember but, they probably had taken my son to go do something.
So there my mom and I are laying on a couple of lounge chairs and right next to us are a couple of young girls. Oh probably teens I think. And they have southern accents. Heavy ones. So you have to imagine this conversation that we overhear with that in mind.
And here it is
Sister 1 "Sissy, just how did you put your bikini on without any hair showing?"
Sister 2 "I took daddy's razor and shaved down there before we left."
Sister 1 "Ohhhhhhh, but Sissy just how did you get all that fuzzy part off?"
Sister 2 "I used momma's pizza scissors and cut that off"
Sister 1 "Ohhhhhhhhh"
We almost rolled off our lounge chairs. Don't eat pizza at their house. And all these years I have wondered just what the heck are pizza scissors.
Well, now we all know.
I personally would be scared to go anywhere near the sacred yoni with those.
And watch the video below. They are not just for pizza. No. They sure aren't.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Reality Check?
I went to Starbucks this morning. No I'm not a big fan but for reasons of convenience that's where I ended up.
I get my coffee and I'm doctoring it up with sweetener and cream. Sitting on the doo dad they have the coffee paraphernalia on, is a big sign. It basically read:
Due to proposition stupid we have to post this sign.
There is a chemical that you probably have never hear of that can cause cancer. And then you could die. While Starbucks doesn't use this chemical directly in any of our bake goods or coffee, the chemical can result from baking baked goods and roasting coffee. So you could die. But, remember there are other things out there that could give you cancer so, you could just get cancer from those things instead. And die.
No that was not the exact words of the sign but, that is what it said.
I read it and thought oh brother give me a break. I'm trying to drink some bloody coffee here. I don't some fear with it.
A guy walks up with his coffee to the coffee doctoring bar. He is maybe mid 30s. Who knows but not super young. He reads the sign and he says "I don't get it. I just saw a program last night that talked about all the benefits of coffee. How it can maybe ward off Alzheimer's and other stuff and then here's this sign. Seems rather contradictory to me. I don't know what to believe." I looked at him and said "you want the truth buddy, we are all going to die. So you might as well just enjoy your coffee." He looks back at me and says "Yeah. We are all going to die. In the end. I am going to enjoy my coffee." and he ends his statement with a cheerful "you have a really great day!" I reply "Oh God, yeah with that, let's have a nice day."
I'm just forehead smacking myself. He seemed fine with the we are going to die. But, man I just can't walk around pointing that out left and right. I don't know why the friend I was with didn't just shoot me. Or at least kick me.
Enjoy the Hell out of today, because we are all going to die. There's a bumper sticker for you.
I get my coffee and I'm doctoring it up with sweetener and cream. Sitting on the doo dad they have the coffee paraphernalia on, is a big sign. It basically read:
Due to proposition stupid we have to post this sign.
There is a chemical that you probably have never hear of that can cause cancer. And then you could die. While Starbucks doesn't use this chemical directly in any of our bake goods or coffee, the chemical can result from baking baked goods and roasting coffee. So you could die. But, remember there are other things out there that could give you cancer so, you could just get cancer from those things instead. And die.
No that was not the exact words of the sign but, that is what it said.
I read it and thought oh brother give me a break. I'm trying to drink some bloody coffee here. I don't some fear with it.
A guy walks up with his coffee to the coffee doctoring bar. He is maybe mid 30s. Who knows but not super young. He reads the sign and he says "I don't get it. I just saw a program last night that talked about all the benefits of coffee. How it can maybe ward off Alzheimer's and other stuff and then here's this sign. Seems rather contradictory to me. I don't know what to believe." I looked at him and said "you want the truth buddy, we are all going to die. So you might as well just enjoy your coffee." He looks back at me and says "Yeah. We are all going to die. In the end. I am going to enjoy my coffee." and he ends his statement with a cheerful "you have a really great day!" I reply "Oh God, yeah with that, let's have a nice day."
I'm just forehead smacking myself. He seemed fine with the we are going to die. But, man I just can't walk around pointing that out left and right. I don't know why the friend I was with didn't just shoot me. Or at least kick me.
Enjoy the Hell out of today, because we are all going to die. There's a bumper sticker for you.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
I'm job hunting. It is such a tedious and time consuming activity. But, it does have a pay off.
With what I have been through this past year my head is in an odd place for this activity and I'm having to adjust my thinking.
Thinking ahead and planning is good. It's a good skill to have. And I excel in this area. Too well actually. So I'll look at a job and my doctor schedule and this and that and then decide oh there's no way that will work out. And then I stop. And realize that I don't make the hiring decision. That's not my role in this. So I then do what is my role and apply.
I will leave the decision making processes up to someone else. Even if it kills me!
With what I have been through this past year my head is in an odd place for this activity and I'm having to adjust my thinking.
Thinking ahead and planning is good. It's a good skill to have. And I excel in this area. Too well actually. So I'll look at a job and my doctor schedule and this and that and then decide oh there's no way that will work out. And then I stop. And realize that I don't make the hiring decision. That's not my role in this. So I then do what is my role and apply.
I will leave the decision making processes up to someone else. Even if it kills me!
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