Some followers spent their life savings in anticipation of the end coming. And he feels bad. BAD that it didn't happen. But, wait he thinks it is happening just in the spiritual world and the end will still come in October. Or maybe he just miscalculated. And hey he is not here to give advice anyway just to let people know there maybe is someone they can talk to and that is God.
I know Harold is 89 but, I think it would be in everyone's best interest if he just shut the fuck up now.
2,000 billboards. Lots of wasted money. Stupid thing to be hoping for anyway all in the name of an 89 year old afraid to die.
Yes I really do think that's what it's all about. There I said it.
Dying, like any unknown is scary. But, this is just a plain out and out wrong way to be handling it.
Suck it up Harold.
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