Saturday, June 18, 2011

Martha Stewart Died

I have a canvass covered gazebo. This past winter the canvass bit the dust. The weather just shredded it. So I looked into getting another one. And the thought just frustrated me because I already know what will happen to the new one. Okay, not right away but, eventually it will be a shredded mess of it's former self too. So I thought I would just go to a fabric store and get something cheap, if possible and sew something up that could be easily removed when the winter canvass shredding weather showed up again.

Then my mother asked me if I wanted these king sheets in a tropical print, she was getting rid of. Oh yes I do. And I decided to use those to cover my gazebo.

I sewed the king sheets together. She had two sets. I sewed the flats, trimmed the elastic off the fitted and sewed them together.

Today I took those sheets out to the back yard and draped them over the gazebo securing them with magical binder clips.

And when I was done I sat under my sheet draped gazebo and wondered at the magic of it all and thought when did Martha Stewart die?

There was a time that draping my gazebo in sheets would have been a horror of an idea to me. Visions of white trash would have filled my mind. Yes. It's true. I will confess. There would have been no way in hell I would have draped sheets on my gazebo. But, here I am. And the gazebo is magical. As I stood under the sheets, the wind would blow through and the sheets would billow up and drift back down. And it hit me. It a ginormous sheet fort! And all these feelings from being inside a sheet fort as a kid came rushing back. It was always a cozy safe feeling place those magical sheet forts.

I'm not sure when I started chucking the Martha Stewart in me. I think it has been a slow process and largely I haven't openly acknowledge it happening. But, with sheets blowing in the wind in my backyard, I'm saying it's official.

Martha Stewart R.I.P.


  1. I'm not following you... Although, its great that your a Maker now.

    Martha is still alive.

  2. The Martha Stewart in me is dead. I'm a maker.

  3. RIP Martha, indeed! Go Pam! Now I want to build forts again....

  4. You've inspired me! We have that metal frame over the back patio that I've been wanting to cover.... maybe this week I'll visit Goodwill and see if I can get some cheap king size sheets.
