Thursday, June 2, 2011


I had herceptin on Tuesday. Amanda joined the entourage. She wanted to watch. And so she did. Until they kicked her out!. Well, it was Tuesday the day after Memorial day and they were closed for the holiday. So it was rather jammed on Tuesday. She had a chair for the first half of things but, then they needed it. So she could have stood but, I told her to go find my parents and son and get a seat. So she did. Which then left me chatting to the couple sitting next to me. Wife had gotten the last small chair sitting around. He was in the chemo chair to my right.

We are chatting it up and he says "I have colon cancer. I had surgery 6 weeks ago and they say they got it all. My lymph nodes were negative. Now I'm on chemo every 2 weeks for 10 rounds for the next six months to prevent it from coming back."

I look at him and say "So, you HAD cancer."

He looks at his wife. He looks back at me. He doesn't say anything.

I then fill him in short version on me finishing with "So, I HAD cancer and am now on treatment to prevent it from coming back. And you HAD cancer."

He says "Does that help?"

I say "Yes it does. It helps you move forward. It helps you live. I say HAD. My family says HAD. My friends say HAD. My doctor says HAD."

He says "Well, yes, my doctor is doctor Rojas and she did say I was cancer free and this is just to prevent it from coming back. So, I guess I had cancer."

And he looks at his wife and she points at him and she says "You HAD cancer. We are using that from now on."

HAD. Such a small three letter word. So much power.

Got HAD?


  1. Great blog excerpt! Excellent message!!!

  2. I am so glad they kicked me out. That conversation would never have happened otherwise! Inspiring.
