Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Liver Update

I had the ultrasound this morning. And I'll cut to the chase, I'm pretty confident that I'm okay. The final report will be sent to my doctor (internist this time) and she will call me but, the tech said she didn't see anything but simple cysts. She had the radiologist go over it and they said I could go. It's my experience that when it's bad the tech is dead silent while doing the scan and then when they go show the radiologist, the radiologist will come into the room looking terribly upset and will look for themselves or at least want more pictures taken.

The tech was fantastic. We need more of these. She had a screen up that I could see and as she was scanning stuff told me everything she was looking at. She started off with a general scan of my liver. She told me this is your liver and then scanned around then she asked me what they had told me. I said well that it looked like the cysts had gotten bigger and that maybe there was something poking into one. She said well, all I see is simple cysts here. Maybe they are bigger but sometimes they get bigger but I don't see anything other than simple cysts.

She also scanned some major arteries, my spleen, pancreas, kidneys. She told me her niece just got diagnosed with breast cancer. HER2 positive and she is 27 years old. Shit. And her sister had had breast cancer. Double shit. She also told me when she discovered I no longer have a gallbladder that it is amazing what organs you can live without. She said she had a patient that had no spleen, no gallbladder, no ovaries or uterus and one kidney. She said she told the patient she was a fast scan because there was nothing left!

She was great. She knew I was out of my head and understood exactly why I was there. She said given your history they are going to get excitable with you but you want that.

Yes I do.

And I'm confident that everything is okay but I'll get the official okay in a couple of days.

That was enough excitement for me and a dip in the roller coaster I could have lived without. I'm just waiting for the ride to come to a complete stop and I can take off the safety belt but, that's going to be a while so I'll stay strapped in.

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