Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Results are In

I'll cut right to the chase. The girls are fine. They didn't find anything.....in the breasts. BUT I have liver cysts. I know that. They found those on the PET scan I had in April of 2010. Dr. Barth said they were hereditary and wasn't worried although one was really big. His words "whoa, that one is really big but, don't worry, cysts don't effect liver function besides, there is nothing we can do about it." and that is Dr. Barth. I love him. He doesn't lie or bullshit.

Anyway back to the chase, one of the cysts on my liver looked to be bigger to the radiologist (compared to the MRI in April of 2010) and it looked like something was poking into it. Okay this was delivered to me by my surgeon. Nothing is poking into anything so I said to her you mean a growth. Well see she (the radiologist) can't tell. The MRI was set to look at the breasts and isn't really a good scan for the liver anyway. So what they want me to do is followup with my doctor and get an ultra sound to see what the heck it is.

I'll see my internist next Tuesday and she'll take care of it. I think they are being cautious not panicked. And I already went thru what the MRI can and can't see at the beginning of this whole thing when on the MRI it looked like one of my lymph nodes walls was thicken but they did an ultra sound and it turned out that a vein was running across it and made it look that way on the MRI. Thus why they want me to do an ultra sound. But, I still don't think they are panicked because I've seen the OMG we are panicked this is bad in action. They don't tell you to follow up with your doctor bye bye. They set up an appointment and tell you, you're going here now.

So more worry (okay I'm trying not to until there is something to actually worry about) and more results to come. I'll keep you all informed.

So how did the MRI go? Well I'm really tired of being lied to so I'm calling people on their bullshit and I don't care. The MRI tech had to set up an IV so she could inject the contrasting material during the scan. Okay so I point her in the right direction in regards to my veins that work but, it was cold this morning and old faithful although numbed up wasn't looking so good.

I told her "this is the vein people are most successful with. It's not looking good this morning but if you put a hot pack on it, it'll probably pop up. But, if you rather look around for something else that you feel more confident with that's okay too."

She says "oh, we don't have any hot packs."

Me "This is Hoag Hospital, of course you have hot packs"

Her "Well, they don't work"

Me "You put them in the microwave.....look if you don't want to use the vein that's fine. I already told you I was fine with you looking around but do not tell me the flipping hospital doesn't have hot packs and they don't work. That I won't accept."

Her "I'd really like to look for another vein."

Me "okay, I'll take that."

So she hunts around and finds a funky place on my right wrist. Like right on top of my wrist. Okay fine no one has ever tried there so go for it.

She goes and I barely felt anything which was nice she says "I'm in but I think it's leaking because look it's bulging up a bit." So I do the thing I NEVER do. I looked and I say "well, it doesn't hurt so do you think you can tweak it to get it in or do you want to start over." She says "really it isn't hurting?" Me "no, go ahead." So she messes with it and I'm watching thinking I'm rather detached in some weird way and the bump goes down and things seem to be working. She gets a good blood return and is able to flush it and I get sweaty and light headed from watching. Shit. I'm a pussy. There I said it. When she was done I had to put my head between my knees for a few minutes and get some cold water. It didn't last long but that tested that, even after all the IVs I've had set up, I can not watch.

The MRI is a boisterous machine. So you get ear plugs and then they put ear phones on you so you can listen to music, only you can't hear anything so you just end up with earphone on your head.

When it was all over they walked me over to see my surgeon Dr. Guerra. who told me about the liver. She took more topless pictures. And we had a nice chat about her new baby. She had a boy. Dang it, I forgot to ask her what she named him but, she had some pictures and he is a cutie. He turned 3 months today.

So it wasn't bad. Got to bust someone's chops, celebrate a new baby and now have something I need to take care of, not like I was exactly bored but, there it is.


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