Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas or....

Okay the blog is called the good, the bad and the ugly, so here's the flip side to "Merry" Christmas because I have mixed, torn, bi-polar, manic depressive feelings about the holiday.

Parts I really love and parts I just truly despise and's the not so jolly side and if everyone was honest with themselves I think there is a bit (even if tiny) of this sentiment that dwells in us all during this time of the year.

Because I see too much of this:

And not enough of this:

And on Earth peace goodwill towards men.

I FEEL that sentiment during this season coming from those close to my heart but I don't SEE it amongst the population.

And so, rather than a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, I'm wishing everyone a softened heart, tolerance, don't be so quick to judge because we can't even begin to know what is going on inside someone else's head or life and a big big healthy dose of count your blessings.

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