Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Hi, I'm Pam and I'm a recovering over analytical control freak.

I've learned this lesson. I swear I have. You can worry yourself sick and it won't get you anywhere. Might as well just do what you can. What is in your control. And then, let go and not worry. As long as you are "moving" towards something, you are going to be okay. And sometimes it's even a good idea to be still for a bit if you suspect you are just chasing your tail. Let the spinning stop and the dust settle and take stock. See the path once again and start off.

I know this yet, I find myself wanting to worry. Because that will make something happen. And it won't.

I remember years ago someone and heck if I can remember now who because my brain is going, I think it was someone I was working with at the time. Anyway, this person said to me "Don't worry Pam, things have a way of working themselves out" and I replied "yes, because someone does something about it!"

I think this is my clue that it's time for some xanax and bed.

Night all.

After all tomorrow is another day.

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