Monday, May 16, 2011

Window of Opportunity?

"I'm still in the window of opportunity?" I say to the bank representative on the phone, "Look I'm not trying to get pregnant here, I just want to know where my re-issued ATM card is!"

I lost my ATM card and the whole process to get a new one is turning out to be like trying to get pregnant. I swear.

And this all started on Mother's day so maybe that has something to do with it.

I last used my ATM card on Mother's day and got cash. Out of the ATM machine. And I used the cash to buy stuff the rest of the day. On Monday, I went to CVS to pick up my prescription and found my ATM card was missing. I went home called the card AWOL. The bank representative told me I would receive a new card in 2 to 3 days.

Well, it's been a week. Worrying now and so I called. The bank representative took all my vitals and put me on hold. She said on Monday the 9th a new card was re-issued but, that I was still in the window of opportunity so give it another 2 days.

What window of opportunity?

She says you are in what we call the window of opportunity to receive the card. Once you are past that window, if you still haven't received the card, then we do something.

I'm not trying to get pregnant here. I just want my ATM card. Don't you have records of when you actually mailed it?

No. But, you are still in the window of opportunity, so give it 2 more days.

Window of opportunity. Who is the jack ass that decided to call it that. It's stupid. Are trying to say I might get a new ATM card but, in reality it's just a crap shoot. And at this point it's an "opportunity" because it might not be lost in the mail so we are just all going to hope it shows up?

Give it another 2 days.

Should I pee on a stick?

I'm just annoyed. If you mail out crap you should keep track of when it got mailed. And I do believe the bastards do they just know that USPS fucks up a lot and are trying to give them time.

In the meantime though I get to function without my ATM card. And I have discovered this past week that's not so easy.


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