Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Life's lessons, observations, tips and tricks

You only need to be able to sew reasonably straight if you use....invisible thread. Who knew and the color matches everything.

Do not watch a cooking show while cooking because you will panic thinking what the hell is sizzling, nothing should be sizzling and then you realize it's the TV. What the cooking show has on is sizzling. Save yourself some panic.

What else....oh you know that smart pop popcorn that is 98 percent fat free and fewer calories? It tastes really good with melted butter poured on it.

No matter what a good idea it seems to use your parking brake on your car, if this is not a habit of yours already don't try and make it one. You will just forget to release the parking break thus drive around until you wonder what the fuck is that smell and why is that light on. Oh. I really don't know what the parking break is for. Have never used one and trying to start didn't go well.

I've gotten warm and fuzzy with the reality that I can not remember jack shit. So I write myself notes. If you see me wearing a name tag someday...yeah it got that bad.

I also seem to be obtaining skills that would put David Copperfield and Houndini to shame. I can make something disappear in a blink of an eye. Now if I could just make it reappear.

I really want the iPhone 4S. Well, what I really want is Siri. In fact I'm pretty sure I need Siri. It will be my back up brain.

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