Tuesday, January 4, 2011

One Poke!

One poke, one poke, no joke, only one POKE!

The nurse I had today has poked me before but it has been a LONG time. I think the last dance we had was when I first had chemo. So I pointed out her options being the areas I had numbed. Told her to feel around and take her time. I wanted her to find a spot she felt confidant with because today, I was only up for one poke. She was around last time and she said oh yes I remember last time it took three. Yes, yes it did but, today, only one okay?

So she took her time. Tied off different parts of my arm and said she really like the vein in the bend of the elbow. So I told her go for it. I had that area numb so it didn't hurt. But, I hate that spot. I hate that spot because then I have to sit with my arm held out prop up on a pillow and I can't bend it. And I can always feel it there. Yeah it was numb so I didn't feel the poke but I can always feel the needle sitting there. Not that it hurts but it's just not comfortable.

Then of course in the middle of things I had to go to the bathroom being super hydrated. So now I'm undoing pants and maneuvering one handed.

Tonight it is sore. I still have the pressure bandage on it and will keep it on until I take a shower. I also know that I'm going to bruise because I always bruise in the spot no matter what. And it is going to be sore for a day or two.

Still...I'll take it over multiple pokes which fail and I end up with the final poke in the bend of the elbow in the end.

Giving the wrist area another three weeks off and it might be up to it next time. Might start trading off elbow and wrist area.

For now, I don't have to think about it for another three weeks.

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