Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy Valentines.....

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Happy Valentine's Day.

Prove to me you love me.

Open you damned wallet. Wide.

Basically that is what this holiday that has been commercialized by the Hallmarks of the world have turned it into.

Hey now I'm all for celebrating love. And all the forms of love not just the romantic ones. I'm all for the reminders of holidays. The reminders of hey people appreciate one another.

But alas all things come at a price. And sometimes these holidays can cause other emotions in people. Oh like inadequacies. And that makes me cranky. Oh Hell, who am I kidding. It makes my down right outraged.

And where is that line exactly? That line from celebrating to belittling? I don't know.

So here's two middle fingers up to our sappy society's version of what Valentine's Day should be and here is to celebrating our love for each other.

I heart all of you.

(Just a little disclaimer here. I'm not referring to myself. I can drive myself to Sees.)


  1. I have often wondered where the line from celebrating to belittling is - in a variety of contexts.
    Did you make that valentine? I had to mute the music after a minute - nice Harlequin romance novel cover - apropos!
    Thanks, Pam. I heart you too.

  2. Yes, I did make the card. Sorry, I should have warned that the card could cause a gag reflex.
