Tuesday, March 15, 2011

This Sucks

The time change sucks. I don't care which one we are on, just leave it alone. Which is why I'm still up. I'm all screwed up on the sleeping now.

Life has enough change in it. Why the hell do we create it for ourselves?


That's all I have to say on the matter.


  1. We are on my favorite time! Day Light Savings Time!!! We should never change again! How do we make this a law?

  2. I'm good with the daylight savings time too. I just hate the change. I guess we look at how Arizona made it law. They don't do the crazy change!

  3. This is California; we get a petition signed by the people to get on the ballot. The people vote or don't and it might pass. Want me to call JB and see if he's on board?

  4. Yes. Call JB and see if he is on board! Stop the insanity of time change.
