Tuesday, July 26, 2011

More evidence of how schools fail kids

My son, who has been home schooled from the middle of second grade when I yanked him is now 17. He is currently taking culinary arts through Regional Occupation Program which is a program that offers job prep type classes. This class he is taking also has an internship which many of the classes do. It's been a fabulous experience for him. He is loving it.

But, he is puzzled and outraged by the fact that the majority of the kids in the class are in it because the class is worth 10 high school credits and is a 6 week class. He knows this because the teacher asked each kid in class on the first day why they were taking culinary arts. My son said the majority of the kids said for the credits. 10 credits in 6 weeks is making it so these kids can graduate. But they could care less about culinary arts. So, it's trying at times because well, some of the kids just don't give a damn. And my son does.

Why? Why are these kids having to take something the could care less about in order to get out of high school? Why is the teacher who was an executive chef for 38 years and has an amazing amount of information to share having to babysit during most of the class so the classroom isn't set on fire?

Today I called the ROP office to enroll him in the fall semester for the culinary arts advanced class. He has decided to take that and the same teacher is teaching it. I told the woman who enrolled him that I wanted to compliment the class. I told her my son is really enjoying it. Has been inspired and it has been such a great experience for him. And that he really likes the teacher. She says oh, well he is rather militant. The kids either respond to it or they don't. He pretty much runs that class military style because of the teens he has to deal with. He is a fantastic teacher because he has control over the class at all times and doesn't put up with any fooling around. And he has had kids pull knives on him and has had to take them down. He's a great teacher.

Well, okay....um.. thanks. Not feeling warm and fuzzy now. Talked to my son and he says it's not that bad mom but, I'm not surprised. Great.

And again why? This class is not a required class. You don't have to take THIS class in order to graduate like math or English. This class carries 10 credits and so some kids HAD to take it because of the credits it carries. It's all crazy.

AND this teacher is being praised for being a GOOD teacher because he can take down kids that pull knives on him?

What about the 38 years experience he has to share with the kids?

Chris stays after class sometimes to pick his brains for information. He doesn't seem to have time for it during class.

Today my son said when I picked him up, poor Ben.

Whose Ben?

The lazy kid in class. I feel sorry for him.

What's up with him?

He didn't wear his uniform to class. AGAIN. You have to be in uniform. The teacher took him outside to have a private chat with him. Poor Ben.

Yes. Yes poor Ben. Because either Ben doesn't want to be in the class or Ben is not getting the support he needs to be successful in class or all of the above.

Poor Ben.

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