Saturday, December 18, 2010

I Surrender

I have officially surrendered and am waving a white flag high in the air!

I have this need at Christmas time to declare I'm officially done. To quit. To stop the madness. And just accept that if I forgot, I forgot and I'll have to just let go.

If I forgot, I forgot.

If I just didn't get to it, it just didn't get done.
If I just didn't feel like it, I didn't feel like it.
If that makes me an asshole, then I'm an asshole.

If I let go, I will fall.
If I fall, I will land.
If you love me, you will still love me.

And if I hold your hand, will you not be holding mine?
And if I walk by your side, will you not be walking by me?
And if I lift you up, do you not lift me too?

If I love you, then you are loved.

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