Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Simulation and update

Went for simulation yesterday. They put me into a CT-Scan. They place a "pillow" under my head and had me put my hand on the top of my head. Then they filled the pillow up with some sort of gas which filled the pillow up to surround my head and arm and then it hardened. Now I have a mold that they will use every time I go for radiation to make sure my head and arm are in the same position each time. They used some beam that was coming down from the ceiling to line me up and take measurements. My radiologist oncologist came in and he placed stickers that had wires in them on me. Then they put me into the CT scan and took some X-rays (no contrasting dye injection). Then I had to lay in the position and not move while he looked over the X-rays. And he took his sweet time about it too. Then the technician came and made all the marks on me with a marker pen. Then they covered each of those up with a round clear thin sticker. AND then they took a photo of it. I have ten marks.

I go back on Friday and they are going to put me into a real machine and do a test run. They will not be giving me any actual radiation that day. When it all looks good they will be tattooing the marks. Yes permanent tattoos. Unless I'm really opposed to tattoos then they will use a permanent marker but I'll have to be careful not to wash it off. I'm going with the tattoos because I won't have to worry about them coming off and also because it will be a permanent record of where they radiated me because you can't have radiation in the same place twice. Not sure why that is exactly but you can't. I don't want someone in the future to be guessing where the radiation took placed. The tattoos will be just dots. A lot like freckles.

I requested a butterfly.

Still no news on the HER2. Nor do I have a follow up appointment with Dr. Barth yet. Not sure what is up with that. I think I will call again this afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great website with a discussion board where you can learn what the doctors aren't telling you
