Thursday, August 5, 2010

Just back to plan A

The plan when I finished round 4 of chemo was that I would have an MRI and if the tumor was still there it would be needle biopsied (again it would have been the 3rd time) and that would be tested to see if I would benefit from additional chemo. If nothing showed up on the MRI then I would go to surgery and if something showed up in the pathology (which it did) then it would be tested to see if I would benefit from more chemo. This is still the plan we just thought we caught a detour but we didn't.

What I'm disheartened about the most is that a 1.6cm tumor was undectable on a MRI and mammogram. I know I already stated this but, I had read and been told that anything larger than .5cm could be seen.

My advice is that if you feel something and you go for a mammogram and they tell you there's nothing there....pitch a fit. For, in the future, if I can feel something and no one can see it on a scan I'm doing what we did this time. I'm having it surgically removed.

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